iKhaya le themba

iKhaya le themba, Home of Hope, is an NPO birthed out of Kenilworth Vineyard Church, Cape Town in 2004, with Liesl Eliastam as the visionary founder. Katherine Morse took the reigns in 2007 and further developed the staff, buildings and program. She handed over to Nicky Lloyd in 2012. Susan Hill signed on as the new director in January 2015 to continue the legacy of care and support to orphaned and vulnerable children, and their families.

Ikhaya le themba offers holistic After School Care programs to primary school children of Imizamo Yethu informal settlement in HoutBay. This service includes home visiting, advocacy and referral for their family carers. We work to ensure that family units remain strong under the strain of illness and poverty and to support communities in caring for their orphaned and vulnerable children.

We long for a world where every child has a hope and a future and the effects of poverty, trauma, and HIV & AIDS are no longer seen.

At its heart, iKhaya le themba holds the core value that every child, regardless of race, colour, religion, history or current living situation is individually loved by the all encompassing love of God.   It is this love that causes us to seek the very best for every child we work with in every aspect of that child’s life – physical, social, educational, emotional and spiritual.  It is our belief that this love is able to bring fullness of life, freeing and empowering children to walk with God in His plans for them.

Read more www.ikhayalethemba.org.za