Freedom Prayer

Freedom Prayer is an opportunity for Jesus to do deep work with you, freeing you from things that hold you back and releasing you into Father’s good plans for your life.

Freedom Prayer sessions take around 90 minutes. They are facilitated by a team of three or four people. In the session there will be one person who does not know you, who will be seeing into the spiritual realm around and in you, to identify areas that need healing and freeing. The session leader is responsible for discerning whether the pictures are from the Lord, and for interpreting what they mean. There will also be intercessors in the room who will quietly cover the session with prayer. You are welcome to share how you are feeling and experiencing the session and add any of your own thoughts to the process. You are also welcome to say if you are not feeling safe or if the content of the session does not fit for you.

The person who leads the session will be in touch with you before hand to hear why you want to come for prayer. This pre-prayer conversation usually takes 30 min. If you have questions about the process you can ask them at the pre-prayer session. You can share whatever you need to; we have listened to many different stories and there is nothing you can’t ask for help with.

Everything you share about your story and anything that comes up during prayer is entirely confidential. Some people feel nervous before their first session and others feel excited. The sessions are always quiet, gentle and non-judgemental. There is never any yelling in our prayer sessions. If you have experienced prayer ministry that involved yelling or condemnation, you are welcome to share this during your pre-prayer interview.

After prayer people generally feel peaceful and lighter. You might have bible verses given in the session and it is good to meditate on these afterwards. The session leader will check in with you a few days after prayer to see how you are. At this point you can discuss if further prayer is needed.

Freedom Prayer Ministry

082 999 4777


Kath Morse from Mercy Vineyard leads the Mercy Vineyard Freedom Prayer team. This model of prayer ministry was developed by Greg Beckenham, pastor at Haberfield Baptist, Sydney, Australia. Kath trained with Greg over 20 years ago and they are still in touch sharing stories and ideas.

Kath has a life-long passion for praying for people and seeing people step into the fullness of their identity in Christ. Kath has also had her own long struggle towards freedom, and she ministers with the compassion and gentleness of a fellow traveler in the journey towards the fullness of life promised (John 10:10). Kath is passionate about equipping the church to do the all the works of Christ.

In the last year the teams at Mercy Vineyard have seen a release of physical, emotional, relational and spiritual healing and freedom.

Some people feel like they want to make a donation to the ministry. All the team members are volunteers and we don’t require donations. However if the Lord is leading you to express your gratitude this way, you can make a donation to Mercy Vineyard – “Freedom Prayer”. We use the funds to support our admin, do training, contribute to our office rent and cover other small costs associated with the ministry.

People interested in being trained in this ministry, who would like to bring this training to their church or who would like to book a Freedom Prayer session, please contact Caren Fürst on the number below.

Freedom Prayer Ministry

082 9994777.